The Lenny Awards showcase innovative and inspiring applications of Litmos across all industries and organizations of all sizes
The annual Lenny Awards celebrate Litmos customers who have implemented Litmos in a way that has measurably improved employee engagement and/or performance, improved sales, service, and/or channel performance, strengthened customer training, and shown a proven ROI that gives their organization a strategic advantage.
Best Customer Training Program
For customers who have built a customer training program, giving their own customers the tools and knowledge to succeed
Best Sales Training Program
For customers who have increased sales strategy and performance through their training program
Winner: Enovis
Best Service Training Program
For customers who have streamlined their service training and reduced customer support tickets
Winner: Cenikor
Best Employee Training Program
For customers who have built an employee training program, giving their teammates and peers the tools and knowledge to succeed
Winners: DKP
Best Partner Training Program
For customers who have rolled out a partner training program to drive learning in their external audience
Winners: Finastra
Best Not for Profit Training Program
For non-profit customers who have seen success and created change through their training program
Winners: ROC USA
Rookie of the Year
For customers who have gone from manual training and tracking to showing exceptional growth and success through the roll-out of Litmos LMS
Winner: Peninsula
Power User
For customers who have used more than one Litmos solution to meet your L&D needs, whether a combo of Litmos Content and Litmos LMS, or Litmos LMS and Litmos Services, or maybe a combination of all three
Winner: AFG
Papé Group
Best Branded Platform
For customers who have gone above and beyond with the customization of their user interface
Winner: ASPCA
2023 winners
Best Customer Training Program
Best Employee Training Program
Best Employee Training Program
Best Not For Profit Training Program
Best Service Training Program
Best Sales Training Program
Best Service Training Program
Best Partner Training Program
Best Branded
Best Authored
Best Authored