And the Award Goes to…. Litmos!
Spring is finally in the air and so is award season! From the Oscars to the Grammys people love celebrating their favorite movies, artists, musicals, and more, but why should celebrities get all the fun? Here at Litmos we’re celebrating our own wins this season!
Litmos Succeeds with G2 This Spring
In April G2 released their Spring Report and we are pleased to announce that Litmos has received 13 rewards!
I know what you’re thinking, good for Litmos, but what do these badges even mean? Glad you asked.
Litmos was placed in the Leader Quadrant in all the following categories, meaning that our products were rated highly by G2 users and have substantial Satisfaction and Market Presence scores.
- Mid-Market Ethics and Compliance Learning
- Mid-Market Course Authoring
- Mid-Market Corporate Learning Management Systems
- Mid-Market eLearning Content
- Ethics and Compliance Learning
- Corporate Learning Management Systems
- Course Authoring
- eLearning Content
- Enterprise Ethics and Compliance Learning
- Enterprise Corporate Learning Management Systems
- Enterprise Course Authoring
We’re also busting at the seams to let you know that Litmos was also awarded a Highest User Adoption Badge! The Highest User Adoption is rewarded to the product in the Implementation Index that earned the highest User Adoption rating in its category.
*Cue on stage sappy Thank You speech*
We would be amiss to act like we did this all on our own, the Litmos team is amazing, but we honestly couldn’t do it without our loyal customers. You keep us humble; you keep us working hard, and most importantly you help us continue to grow and qualify for these awards year after year. That’s why out of all our rewards we are particularly proud of this last one, lucky number 13, the Users Love Us badge. The Users Love Us badge is earned after collecting 20 reviews with an average rating of 4.0 stars.
So, as I finish this speech, ahem I mean blog, we want to give one final huge THANK YOU to our customers, G2, and everyone behind the scenes at Litmos who helped us find success this award season!
Scroll for past reviews: