A Look Back at the Most Popular Litmos eLearning Videos of 2024
With time and attention in short supply, it’s no surprise that many of us search for video content to answer our burning questions or explore topics of interest. In 2024, visitors to the Litmos YouTube channel spent more than 4,000 hours watching Litmos videos, which included trailers for Litmos training content, Litmos webinar recordings, and brief overviews of Litmos LMS features and functionalities.
To kick off the new year, our team is looking back at the most viewed Litmos videos of 2024, which covered a wide array of learning-related topics like workplace culture, management skills, health & safety, and compliance training.
Here are our top five eLearning videos of 2024:
1. Micro-aggressions in the Workplace – Course Trailer
The Litmos trailer for our online course, “Microaggressions in the Workplace” was our most viewed YouTube video in 2024.
A micro-aggression is defined as subtle behavior that often unconsciously or unintentionally expresses a prejudiced attitude toward a member of a minority or marginalized group. Although the name may imply that micro-aggressions are minor, they can have a negative impact on employee experience, physical health, and psychological well-being, and can create a continuously hostile work environment. This course helps employees and managers spot micro-aggressions and deal with them when they arise in the workplace.
This video trailer explores the Litmos Micro-aggressions in the Workplace course, Learn more about this Litmos eLearning course |
2. What is Mentoring? – Course Trailer
Professional development appeared to be a top concern for viewers last year, with this video trailer for the Litmos course, “What is Mentoring?” being the second most viewed video on our YouTube channel in 2024.
As this video explains, mentoring is more than just one person helping another. It’s about creating a rewarding experience for both parties, especially in a workplace setting. If you’re in a fortunate position and considering a mentorship role, providing wisdom and guidance to those who aspire to be in a similar position can be extremely rewarding. This course unpacks the many benefits to being a mentor and being mentored, as well as common misconceptions associated with mentorship.
This video trailer explores the Litmos mentorship course. Learn more about this Litmos eLearning course |
3. RIDDOR: Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (UK) – Course Trailer
For employers, recording and reporting workplace safety issues is a critical requirement for regulatory compliance. If you’re not a U.K. based business, you may not know what RIDDOR stands for. Plenty of users were curious about RIDDOR in 2024, which is why the trailer for the Litmos online course titled Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) (UK) was the third most viewed video on our YouTube channel last year.
In the United Kingdom (U.K.) RIDDOR is the law that requires employers and other people in control of work premises to report and keep records of certain serious workplace accidents, occupational diseases, and specified dangerous occurrences.
This video trailer explores the Litmos RIDDOR course. Learn more about this Litmos eLearning course. |
4. Fatigue Management – Course Trailer
Who didn’t feel tired in 2024? With the video trailer for our online Fatigue Management course being the fourth most viewed video of 2024, it’s fair to say that many Litmos YouTube viewers were interested in exploring the risks, impact, and signs fatigue in the workplace, and how to prevent it.
As the course video explains, fatigue is more than just feeling tired after a long day of work or a bad night’s sleep. A serious or prolonged period of exhaustion, fatigue at work can be a serious health and safety risk that impacts employees’ physical and mental health, leading to poor decision making and costly incidents and accidents.
This video trailer explores the Litmos Fatigue Management course.Learn more about this Litmos eLearning course |
5. Duty of Care (UK) – Trailer
The Litmos video that explored our online course about Duty of Care was the fifth most viewed video on our YouTube channel in 2024.
In the U.K. “Duty of Care” describes the legal responsibility for professional caretakers in health and social care industries to keep themselves and others safe from harm, abuse, and injury. Topics covered in this course include defining duty of care, its implications, how it affects work, and what to do and where to go for advice in duty of care dilemmas.
This video trailer explores the Litmos Duty of Care course. Learn more about this eLearning course |
These popular videos emphasize important workplace issues like creating an inclusive workplace culture and following health and safety regulations, and highlight the importance of ongoing learning and professional growth in achieving these goals.
As we move forward into 2025, Litmos remains committed to providing high-quality, relevant, and impactful eLearning content that empowers organizations and teams to succeed.