Why Litmos training management system is the best online training platform
Litmos is a web-based training management system that is used to plan, implement, and assess a course content. Litmos’s learning management system allows trainers to create course content and monitor user participation.
A training management system allows your learners to take ownership of their own training and helps enhance development. Learners are able to track their own progress and see what training they still need to complete in order to carry out their tasks. Supervisors benefit from a stronger workforce that is well-trained and able to successfully perform their jobs to the highest level. In addition, supervisors are better able to organize training tasks, track completion of those tasks, and identify which tasks are overdue, improving operational efficiency and enhancing accountability.
Some features you should look for in a quality training system are:
- Thorough reporting
- Relevant integrations
- Ease of use
- Automated messaging
Litmos provides users with many interactive features. The training management system provides options to self sign-up, assign specific modules to specific groups, send email alerts, view real-time activity feeds for course completion. There are real-time analytics provided to track course performance, as well.
Litmos is the leading LMS, built from the ground up to make it painless to create, distribute, and track online and mobile training. You can experience all of it today by registering for our FREE 14-day trial while enjoying the short video!
Learn more:
What is a learning management system?