California COVID Safety at Work (US)
California has adopted a general safety order that imposes emergency temporary Cal/OSHA standards that are specific to COVID-19 infection prevention in the workplace. These standards apply to most workers in California. Employers covered by the standards must provide effective training and instruction to employees on COVID-19 and infection prevention.
This course covers how COVID-19 is spread, COVID-19 symptoms, infection prevention techniques (including physical distancing, face coverings, and hand washing), and general information on COVID-related benefits under federal and state law. It meets the requirements for the general information that an employer must provide employees under the new standards.
Use this course as a training resource to supplement site-specific training to comply with the emergency temporary COVID-19 standards.
Covered in this course:
- Comply with Cal/OSHA emergency temporary standards for employee training about COVID-19
- Raise awareness about the COVID-19 policy and procedures for your workplace
- COVID-19 related benefits that workers may be entitled to
- COVID-19, its symptoms, and how it spreads
- Prevent the spread of COVID-19 with physical distancing, face covers, hand hygiene, respiratory hygiene, personal hygiene, and workplace hygiene