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Whistleblower Awareness for Private Sector (AU)
Whistleblowers have, at times, been unfairly stigmatised and victimised at work. Yet, whistleblowing serves a greater good. To tackle misconceptions and ensure compliance with recent legal changes to protections for private sector whistleblowers, greater awareness of whistleblowing is required across Australian business.
This course outlines the rights and responsibilities of whistleblowers within the private sector. It covers the kinds of conduct that can result in whistleblowing, the protections afforded to whistleblowers, how to qualify as a whistleblower, who to make disclosures to, emergency and public interest whistleblowing and the requirements of whistleblower policies.
Covered in this course:
- Conduct that may warrant whistleblowing
- Circumstances that may require public interest disclosures
- Whistleblower protections
- Preventing victimisation of whistleblowers
- Steps to take when whistleblowing